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Old 21-08-2004, 11:12 AM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

Let's learn from the Chinese Physician on STD treatments - in Chinese

Please read it for knowledge and not for prescriptions, I am not liable for your didi well being, exercise your judgment man..................................



淋病的症狀大家應該都知道了,就是尿道口留膿,龜頭紅腫,小便刺痛,感覺小便不清,尿頻,尿急 。
得了這個病也不用著急,隨便去一家地段醫院,打一針羅氏芬(菌必治)就搞定了,不放心可以打兩針,如果你第 一次,一針就足夠了。也可以打的就是頭苞三秦,和羅氏芬一樣效果,就是國產的,純度低一點。要多打幾針,一 般不會有後遺症,不用擔心。千萬不要去老軍醫那裏,衛生條件奇差,羅氏芬是靜脈注射藥,萬一老軍醫的針具不 乾淨,嘿嘿,那有什麼後果我可不敢說了啊~~~
另外,得了這病早治療早好,否則極易轉為慢性淋病,引發前列腺炎,淋菌性角膜炎(就是眼睛也流膿水),淋菌 性慢性咽炎等病,到時候就麻煩了,怎麼治我也說不清了,只有請皮膚科的專家了。
治療費用的話,羅氏芬大概一針130元左右,不會很貴,頭苞三秦就更便宜了,還有,去醫院的皮膚科看,如果 皮膚科把你推倒性病科,那你最好問明醫生價格和治療方法,現在有不少醫院都很黑啊。

梅毒是一種以蒼白螺旋體引起的一種慢性傳染病,主要通過性交傳播,表現症狀極為複雜(稍後提到),幾乎可感 染全身各器官,引起器官損傷。並且人體對其無天然免疫力,這與前面提到的淋病一樣,但也有極少數人感染後終 生不發,但可以傳播他人。
梅毒病發可表現為三期。一期梅毒男性表現為發於陰莖的包皮,龜頭,冠狀溝等地,起初程暗紅色斑疹,2~3日 後擴大隆起為丘疹(就像雞雞上多出了肉粒)並形成糜爛或潰瘍,成圓形或橢圓形,直徑約1~2釐米,有少量白 漿滲出。(此時最容易傳染給性夥伴)通常為一個,也有2~3個的病例。未經治療後3~8周自然消退,不留痕 跡。其後股溝淋巴腫大。(就是骨盆和大腿骨那裏可以明顯摸到淋巴)。一期梅毒無全身症狀。
二期梅毒在感染後7~10周爆發,症狀為發熱,頭痛,骨痛,關節痛,厭食,噁心,嘔吐,皮疹,全身淋巴腫大 等。引發皮疹,脫髮,關節炎,角膜炎和梅毒性腦炎。可怕吧,都是一些常見病,卻極有可能是梅毒引起的。此時 最容易傳染給胎兒。
三期梅毒在感染後3~4年發生,臨床症狀更為複雜,可能引起失明,心臟病突發,癡呆,感觀功能 消失等症狀。

三期,唉,複雜了,一下也說不了了,你乖乖的聽醫生的吧,並非所有抗生素都有效,並且被梅毒破壞的組織是無 法修復的,只能對你表示哀悼了。
勸大家在發現生殖系統有異常時及早去醫院治療,這時就是普通的社區醫院也可以治療,晚了就~~ ~~~完了。

得了這個病,你只能感歎命不好了,或者後悔沒有帶套子了。這是一種最為頑固的性病,至今仍未有徹底根治的辦 法。
尖銳濕疣常發於龜頭,尿道口,冠狀溝等地(男性),偶見於肛門(這一般是同性戀幹的好事)。起初程紅色丘疹 ,頂端稍尖,隨後逐漸增大,增多,相互融合,形成形態、大小不一的損害。其表面凹凸不平,濕潤柔軟,可程乳 頭狀,菜花狀,雞冠狀增生,(只要你的雞雞表面有這些個增生,哀悼啊,同志,你中標了!85%可以認為是尖 銳濕疣了,當然還要去醫院做進一步的診斷)因疣體分泌物的作用可使表面成白色,紅色,暗灰色或出血症狀,有 惡臭,容易糜爛。

5%的5-氟尿嘧啶霜(5-FU)只具有抑制病毒的作用,並且是尿道內用,用完了還得做尿道擴張 手術
干擾素(分很多種,起抑制病毒作用,目前非典就是其中的一種,那個字母我電腦上打不出),全身用藥效果不錯 ,可是局部用藥效果很差,復發率高。

2)冷凍治療,使用液態氮或乾冰,適用於外生殖器,肛門等地疣體。治癒率大約90%,復發率不明 。

3)鐳射治療,使用二氧化碳鐳射,可治療任何部位疣體,治癒率95%,但是美國疾病控制中心報告有效率43 %,復發率95%。




記住,人體唾液無法殺死引起尖銳濕疣的人乳頭瘤病毒和蒼白螺旋體,所以不帶避孕套口交也會引起尖銳濕疣和梅 毒!!!!!這是最容易忽視的一點!!
千萬記住叫雞一定要帶套,不要是雞的套子,最好自己買質量上好的,這是對自己負責,也是對家人 負責!!!!
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Old 21-08-2004, 11:15 AM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

All-about n Remarkably of Vitamin C. Must read!!

The remarkable vitamin C

MENTION “hexuronic acid”’ to a person on the street and chances are you’d get a bewildered “Huh?” in response, but this alien-sounding name was actually an early scientific term coined by biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi in 1928 for Vitamin C. The Hungarian scientist had unknowingly stumbled across it while searching for the anti-oxidant substance that prevented fruit from turning brown. He did not really know that the substance that he had isolated was vitamin C. It was only later when hexuronic acid was shown to be the same substance that had the ability to prevent and cure scurvy that its name was changed to the more familiar “ascorbic acid”.

The abridged history of Vitamin C

Scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency, was once the scourge of maritime Europe. Vitamin C is very sensitive to heat and exposure to air due to its antioxidant nature. Thus, it is only found in fresh fruit, vegetables and, to a lesser extent, fresh meat. Thus, it was not uncommon for a ship's crew to become starved of this essential nutrient as they frequently had to subsist on preserved meat throughout long ocean voyages that sometimes lasted for months at end.

Vitamin C is essential for maintaining healthy connective tissue as it acts as a co-factor for enzymes that form collagen. Severe deficiency of vitamin C led to the sailors’ bodies literally breaking down and, ultimately, displaying symptoms that included bleeding gums, gingivitis and loose teeth, internal bleeding, weakness, irritability, weight-loss, muscle- and joint-pain, and lung and kidney problems. Prolonged scurvy could lead to death and many a voyage failed because of ailing and dying crew members.

Eventually, men discovered that certain natural products such as the leaves and bark of the arbour vitae tree, fresh rose hips and citrus fruit, such as lemons, oranges and limes, had the power to cure and prevent scurvy. In time fresh lime juice became incorporated as part of the staple diet of the British fleet. And it was suspected that a substance common to all these natural products was responsible for curing scurvy.

In the early 20th century the concept of natural substances that could prevent beriberi, rickets, pellagra and scurvy, called “vitamines” developed. Four groups of substances were originally recognised: the “fat-soluble A”, “water-soluble B”, scurvy-preventing “water-soluble C” and the rickets-preventing “fat-soluble D”.

Though the age of widespread death from scurvy has long passed, scurvy cases still exist today. Those who are on severely restricted diets (e.g. patients on special diets because of gastrointestinal diseases) have occasionally been observed to develop scurvy. Interestingly, a form of scurvy called Moeller-Barlow disease can also be found among non-breastfed infants who are raised exclusively on infant formulas that do not contain added vitamin C. Symptoms of Moeller-Barlow disease include internal bleeding, wounds that heal slowly, water retention, as well as weak bones, teeth, cartilage and connective tissue. This disease sets in when the infant is about six months old, when the vitamin C stores gained from the mother while in the womb are exhausted.

These days, vitamin C remains the most sought after nutritional supplement worldwide. Many studies done on it, following its successful isolation and purification by Szent-Györgyi, have shown the vitamin to have other vital functions and applications. For example, in conditions such as capillary fragility (easy bruising), anaemia caused by iron deficiency, gum health and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. Vitamin C has also been shown to be a dynamic antioxidant for neutralising free-radical damage.

The exact amount of vitamin C that we should take is hotly debated. Many nutritionists and naturopaths feel that the present recommendations for vitamin C are below the optimal levels required by people in urbanised societies. The recommended dietary intake (RDA) recommends a bare minimum of 10mg of vitamin C daily to prevent scurvy.

As this amount does not allow for any appreciable reserves in the body, a safety margin is usually incorporated in the calculation, setting the RDA for adults at 60mg a day and 30mg a day for children. Smokers who have lower concentrations of vitamin C in their serum compared to normal people require at least 100mg a day.

Pregnant ladies are advised to increase their intake to 70mg. Breastfeeding mothers have even higher requirements since they have to supply vitamin C in their breast milk. Therefore, they are recommended to take at least 95mg daily throughout the first six months of nursing, and 90mg after that until their babies have been weaned.

As little as 200mg a day is enough to maximise vitamin C stores in the body. However, there is evidence that much higher doses of vitamin C may be used to treat certain ailments as well as aid detoxification. One of the most popular applications of vitamin C therapy is in the treatment of the common cold and flu. Doses ranging from 500mg to 2000mg of vitamin C daily are commonly used for this purpose but even higher doses (4000mg to 5000mg) have also been used as high concentrations of vitamin C are thought to act as a natural antihistamine.

Vitamin C may also be valuable as a complementary therapy for gastrointestinal ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. One report showed that very high doses of vitamin C (5000mg daily for 4 weeks) could significantly inhibit H. pylori.

There is strong evidence showing that vitamin C can reduce the incidence of cataracts. Both animal and human laboratory studies have shown that vitamin C can inhibit a chemical reaction in the eye that is crucial for cataract formation. Taking 300mg of vitamin C a day was associated with a 70% reduction in cataract risk in one study, while another study using approximately 500mg of vitamin C daily showed a 75% reduction.

Vitamin C is generally regarded as a highly absorbable nutrient. At low concentrations, the gut will absorb around 80-90% of it through a highly efficient mechanism called active transport. However, the rate of absorption has been shown to drop significantly when quantities higher than 1000mg are taken at one go as a high concentration of vitamin C will “switch off” active transport in favour of a less efficient mechanism called “diffusion”. In order to overcome this problem and maximise absorption, supplements that deliver high doses of vitamin C for therapeutic purposes are usually designed to release vitamin C over several hours.
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Old 21-08-2004, 11:24 AM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

Relaxing Music

Learn to relax and de-stress yourself. One way is to listen to relaxing music.....








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Old 22-08-2004, 12:50 AM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

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Strictly for Medical information posting only.
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Old 24-08-2004, 01:04 AM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

Originally Posted by gigantic_tk
Animated Sexual Position for all four seasons.............

Click onto the boxes on the left side for animated position
You can also create your sexual posture by clicking the right hand side box.

We do not accept any liability for any injuries or problems caused while trying any of the sexual positions on this web site. Anyone attempting any of the sexual positions on this web site should do so strictly at their own risk.
Additional of another DIY animated position thread.
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Old 24-08-2004, 04:48 PM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

FAQ about Cataract disease

Eyeing cataracts

Tell Me About

MY mother has noticed her vision blurring recently. She is 60 years old. When we look into her eyes, we see a whitish spot in her pupils. We are afraid it might be a cataract. Cataracts are common in old people, yes?

Yes. A cataract is actually a clouding of the lens in the eye, which is normally clear. Imagine a dirty window, if you will, that is covered with dust.

Cataracts are very common in old people. In fact, it’s estimated that half the population over 80 years of age have a cataract or have had some form of cataract surgery.

Can it spread from one eye to the other? Is it hereditary? What causes cataracts?

No, it won’t spread. It’s not an infectious disease. But if you have parents who have had cataracts, there is a greater chance of you developing it in later life.

It’s a risk that develops as you age. However, if you have diabetes, smoke or consume lots of alcohol, the risk of developing cataracts is far greater.

If you’re an outdoor type who is exposed to long periods of ultra-violet sunlight without protective eyeshades, your risk is far greater as well. Injury to the eye or a previous eye surgery can also predispose to cataracts.

Cataracts have also been linked to steroid usage.

I am short-sighted. Does it mean I’m prone to cataracts? I read a lot as well, and watch a lot of television.

No, short-sightedness, reading or watching too much TV does not predispose to cataracts. To protect your eyes while you are still young or middle-aged, you should wear good eyeshades or sunglasses that filter out ultra-violet light from the sun. Don’t invest in those cheap eyeshades you can buy for under RM50. Wear a wide-brimmed hat too if you can.

Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and fruits. The antioxidants in them have been postulated to minimise the risk of cataracts.

What exactly are cataracts?

Cataracts are actually clumps of protein that accumulate in your eye lens that cloud up and reduce the light passing through to reach the retina. For example, if you wear contact lenses, you have to periodically soak them in an enzyme solution to cleanse them from accumulated protein. The same principle works in your eye.

The older you get, the greater the accumulation of protein in your lens. Cataracts grow slowly, so you may not notice any blurring in your vision at first. When the cloudy protein area grows in your lens, your vision starts getting blurrier. And as the lens colours with age, your vision may start to get a brownish tinge. You may not be able to differentiate blue from purple.

Unfortunately, there is no way to cleanse the real lens of your eye.

How would I know if I have a cataract?

Aside from cloudy or blurry vision, some of the colours you see on objects seem to have a brownish tinge to it, or they seem to be faded. Car headlamps or even sunlight may appear to be too bright, and when you look at street lamps at night, they may have a halo around them.

You might have difficulty seeing at night. Sometimes, you might even be seeing double or multiple images, as light is refracted in different ways by the cataract.

Sometimes, a warning sign is when you have to go to change your eyeglasses or contact lenses prescription very often, because you just can’t see.

You mentioned cataract is a disease of old age, and yet when one of my friends gave birth to a baby daughter, the baby was diagnosed with cataracts. My friend was very upset.

There is such a condition called congenital cataract. Some babies can be born with them, or may develop them in childhood.

In most cases of congenital cataracts, no specific cause is identified. But congenital and childhood diseases such as galactosaemia, congenital rubella, Down’s syndrome and others have been linked to it.

How do you detect a cataract?

An eye chart that measures visual acuity is the way to screen for a cataract.

If you suspect you have one (or that your relatives have one), you should visit an ophthalmologist, who is an eye specialist. He/she will dilate your pupils with eye drops, so that he/she can peer into your lens and examine it for cataract.

A simple test doctors use is to shine into your pupils using a penlight. A cataract shows up whitish or cloudy.

My mother has cataracts. She heard that they can be removed by surgery, but she’s terrified of eye surgery.

Cataract treatment does not always involve surgery. The symptoms of early cataracts can be obviated with better eyeglasses and anti-glare sunglasses.

Cataract surgery is only recommended if your daily life is affected by the cataract.

But fear not. Modern cataract surgery is very precise, safe and efficient.

In phacoemulsification, the doctor makes a small incision on the side of your cornea and inserts a tiny probe which breaks up the lens into small pieces. The lens fragments are then removed by suction.

The lens can also be removed in one piece, but that will require the doctor to make a bigger cut. An artificial lens is placed instead. It is made of plastic and usually requires no care. You will not be able to see or feel the new lens. It has effectively become a part of you. The surgery is relatively painless, so don’t worry.

Info Source: The star online
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Old 24-08-2004, 11:28 PM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

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Old 24-08-2004, 11:33 PM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

Sensitive nose

I have got a sensitive nose for a whole year now.
My nose gets ithchy and sneeze when i'm in air-con room or smoky places.
I went to normal clinic but there's nothing they can do about it.
What should I do now? Any medication do can u recommend or should I go to the specialist?
I haven go to the specialist yet cause too expensive, need some advice, thank you

Looks like this is what is known as an allergic rhinitis and not "sinus".

By the way sinus is a structure of spongy bone and air-cells below the cheeks (maxillary sinus) and in between the eyes (ethmoidal sinus).When infection sets in the condition is called sinusitis.

Allergic rhinitis respond well to steroid nasal sprays that need to be given only once or twice a day. Confirm the diagnosis first with a visit to the ENT specialist before you self medicate with these sprays from the pharmacy.
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Old 24-08-2004, 11:37 PM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Genital Warts


Just as you can get warts on your hands there are also other kinds of warts that can occur on the genital area. They are caused by strains (serotypes) of a virus called the human papilloma virus (HPV).


The virus is passed on through skin to skin contact with someone who is infected.


Once you have caught the virus it can be weeks or even months before warts appear. Some people become infected with HPV and never develop visible warts.
Warts can be different sizes and found in different parts of the genital organs.
In women they are found in the vulva, vagina, cervix and around the anus. Genital warts are associated with abnormal changes in cells and can contribute to genital cancers (especially cervical cancer). NB All women who are or have been sexually active should have regular cervical smears.
In men the warts can be on the glans or shaft of the penis, over the genital skin or around the anus.


Large clusters of warts usually have to be removed surgically. Smaller warts can be treated with repeated careful application of caustic agents. Often the application needs to be carried out in a GU clinic though sometimes one of the weaker agents may be self-applied at home. Always consult a doctor before commencing treatment for HPV.
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Old 24-08-2004, 11:44 PM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

The Facts on STI

A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is an infectious disease which is passed from one person to another through intimate sexual contact.

There are over 25 different types of sexually transmitted infections.
It is estimated that one out of every ten sexually active teenagers has a STI.
They can be passed from female to male, male to female, male to male, female to female; through vaginal sexual intercourse and other intimate sexual contact, e.g. oral sex, anal sex, mutual masturbation.
A lot of people with STI's do not have symptoms. Someone who has been treated may not tell you they have been infected. You may not be able to tell if someone is infected just by looking at him/her.

The more sexual partners a person has, the greater the risk of contracting a STI.

Some STI's can have long term complications such as infertility and cancer.
Prevention is better than cure. You will be at no risk if you do not have sex or only have sex with one mutually faithful uninfected partner for life who only ever has had sex with you.

Condoms are the only popular method of birth control used by young people which offer some protection against STI's. However it is important to remember that condoms make sex safer, they do not make sex safe. For example, genital warts are passed on by skin-to-skin contact around the pubic region and condoms offer no protection against transmission of HPV the virus causing warts. Condoms may not be worn correctly or may split. Up to 3/4 of unplanned pregnancies result from contraceptive failure, mainly condoms.

If You or your sexual partner have one or all of the following:
• a discharge
• irregular periods/staining
• pain on passing urine
• lower abdominal pain
• an ulcer or wart on your genital skin
• pain during intercourse, or

... you may have no symptoms at all but have recently become sexually active or changed your sexual partner, then you may have a sexually transmitted infection and you should either see your GP or visit a GUM Clinic.
Get tested >>

If in any doubt, get checked out! You can get help and advice from DSC.

Singapore DSC Website

These services will be confidential.
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Old 24-08-2004, 11:51 PM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

Attending a GUM (Genito-Urinary Medical) Clinic or DSC

• First things first
Every centre is different. Always ring in advance to check their opening times and to see whether you need an appointment or not.

• How can they help?
Don’t be scared or embarrassed about going to a GUM clinic. A STI is an illness like any other. You’re looking after your body by going for a check-up. When you arrive at reception they’ll ask for your name, date of birth, address and the name of your GP. You don’t have to give your real name. Your GP is only contacted with your permission and nothing will be sent to your home unless you give permission. When you see the doctor, be honest about your sexual history as this will help them treat you - remember they are there to help, not judge.

• What to expect
You can expect to be asked questions about what symptoms you have. Whether you have had any known STIs before and what treatment you’ve had, and if you are allergic to any medications? How many sexual partners you’ve had and when you last changed partners? What kind of sexual contact you’ve had with regard to high risk groups such as prostitutes, intravenous drug users and those from African or other countries? Whether oral or anal sex was also involved? You will be asked about your general health, medications, barrier methods of contraception and if you’ve ever used intravenous drugs or had a blood transfusion or travelled in Africa or Asia.
All these questions are asked so that the doctor will have an idea of how much risk you’ve been exposed to, what infections you are likely to have and where, and what the most effective treatment will be. Since some tests results take time to come back you may be started on treatment before these results are known.

You will need to let a doctor or nurse examine your penis and genital area. They may ask you to provide a urine sample, a blood test or take swabs from inside the end of your penis or from skin lesions in your genital area or mouth if necessary, for testing.

You will have to have an internal examination. If it’s a male doctor there will always be a female nurse present. If you’d rather not have a male doctor you can ask for a female doctor or nurse. They may ask you to provide a urine sample, a blood test or they may take swabs from inside the vagina or from skin lesions in your genital area or mouth if necessary, for testing. They might also ask if they could do a smear test if you are due for one or if a previous one has been abnormal. A smear test is only carried out if you are over twenty years old (procedures with respect to smear testing may vary between different countries).

• Did you know?
You can take a friend in with you if you want. All services are confidential even if you are under 16.

• Follow up
It is important to take any medication as prescribed and if it is causing side effects, it is important to ring the clinic for alternatives. It is also important to attend for follow up appointments, not only to get results of tests but also to check that the infection has been cleared up. This is especially important in the case of Chlamydia infection where there may be no symptoms but where infection can cause infertility and future ectopic pregnancy due to tubal damage if not eradicated.

It is also important not to have sex until treatment is finished and until your partner has been treated, otherwise you may become infected again.
This brings us to the important point of tracing sexual partners. If you are diagnosed with a STI you will be given a slip of paper with a reference code on it. You should give this to all those whom you have had sexual contact with, usually in the preceding 3 months (your particular clinic will advise), so that they can be screened for infection and treated. If you do not wish to trace these contacts yourself, the clinic can do this if you give them their details. The code ensures that those whom the clinic contacts will not know your identity although the clinic will.

• Attending your GP
Don’t be embarrassed about attending your GP about a possible STI. You will be seen in confidence. The questions and tests may not be as detailed as at the GUM clinic but will be similar. Not all GPs are equipped to diagnose and treat STIs especially if you are a male. They are also unable to trace contacts and so they may have to refer you or your partner to the GUM clinic at your nearest hospital.
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Old 24-08-2004, 11:53 PM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

Pubic Lice (Crabs)


These are small lice which live in pubic hair and are spread by close bodily contact, including sex.


You will see small eggs (nits) or the actual adult lice on underwear or on pubic hair. Usually itching and scratching occur within a week of infection.


A special lotion is needed which you can buy at the pharmacy; just washing with soap and water will not kill the lice. The lotion should be applied strictly according to the instructions on the bottle.
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Old 24-08-2004, 11:55 PM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+



Chlamydia is a bacterium which infects the genitals and is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection.


Women may notice a discharge from the vagina and/or pain or stinging sensation on passing urine. However 70% of women or more have no symptoms at all with Chlamydia infection.
Men may notice a burning or uncomfortable feeling when passing urine and/or a discharge from the tip of the penis. In 50% of cases, men have no symptoms at all with Chlamydia infection.


If you have symptoms or think you may be at risk of Chlamydia even with no symptoms, go to the your GP. Chlamydia can be easily treated when detected early enough. However if left untreated over a period of years, it can cause infertility in both men and women.
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Old 24-08-2004, 11:58 PM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+

Herpes (HSV)


Herpes simplex viruses can cause sores on the genital or anal area. It's possible for a herpes simplex infection to pass from the mouth to the genital area through oral sex


Stinging in the genital area. Flu like symptoms, sometimes pain in the legs or thighs. Blisters may form leaving small red ulcers in the genital area, which can be painful. May be painful to pass urine.


HSV remains in the body as a lifelong infection which may recur periodically. Attacks can be made less severe and/or less frequent by taking antiviral medicines.
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Old 25-08-2004, 12:02 AM
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Re: Medical Advisor for the 40+



Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection which can affect the cervix, rectum, urethra, vagina and the throat.


Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection which can affect the cervix, rectum, urethra, vagina and the throat.


It can be difficult to notice Gonorrhoea, especially in its early stages.

Women may not notice anything until the infection has spread from the cervix. Some may notice:
• an increase in discharge from the vagina or a change in its consistency or colour
• discomfort or pain when passing urine
• lower abdominal pain and tenderness

men may notice:
• white or yellow discharge from the penis
• discomfort or pain when passing urine
• itching or discharge from the anus

However, many people with Gonorrhoea may have no symptoms at all.
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